Creating a folder and uploading Chainflip GPG keys
sudo mkdir -p /etc/apt/keyrings
curl -fsSL | sudo gpg --dearmor -o /etc/apt/keyrings/chainflip.gpg
Checking the key
gpg --show-keys /etc/apt/keyrings/chainflip.gpg
Adding ChainFlip to apt for a quick update
echo "deb [signed-by=/etc/apt/keyrings/chainflip.gpg] focal main" | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/chainflip.list
Update and install ChainFlip
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install -y chainflip-cli chainflip-node chainflip-engine
Create a new metamask and connect it to the Goerli test network
Now we need a private key from your Metamask
Insert it in place of YOUR_PRIVATE_KEY
echo -n "YOUR_PRIVATE_KEY" | sudo tee /etc/chainflip/keys/ethereum_key_file
Generate access keys
chainflip-node key generate
Copy "Secret seed" and paste in the place of
Create a key
echo -n "${SECRET_SEED:2}" | sudo tee /etc/chainflip/keys/signing_key_file
Generate a key for the node
sudo chainflip-node key generate-node-key --file /etc/chainflip/keys/node_key_file
Create a folder for the configurator
sudo mkdir -p /etc/chainflip/config
Open the configurator
sudo nano /etc/chainflip/config/Default.toml
Before inserting the command into the console, replace -
"ip_address", "ws_node_endpoint", "http_node_endpoint"
To create endpoint go to the
# Default configurations for the CFE
node_key_file = "/etc/chainflip/keys/node_key_file"
port = "8078"
ws_endpoint = "ws://"
signing_key_file = "/etc/chainflip/keys/signing_key_file"
# Ethereum RPC endpoints (websocket and http for redundancy).
ws_node_endpoint = "wss://SOME_LONG_SECRET_INFORMATION"
http_node_endpoint = "https://SOME_LONG_SECRET_INFORMATION"
# Ethereum private key file path. This file should contain a hex-encoded private key.
private_key_file = "/etc/chainflip/keys/ethereum_key_file"
db_file = "/etc/chainflip/data.db"
Starting a node
sudo systemctl start chainflip-node
Checking a node
sudo systemctl status chainflip-node
Check synchronization
tail -f /var/log/chainflip-node.log
After that, start the Engine
sudo systemctl start chainflip-engine
And check, it should be active
sudo systemctl status chainflip-engine
Click on "Add node"
For "Add node" you need to have at least 10 FLIP
Registration in the terminal
sudo chainflip-cli \
--config-path /etc/chainflip/config/Default.toml \
register-account-role Validator
sudo chainflip-cli \
--config-path /etc/chainflip/config/Default.toml \
sudo chainflip-cli \
--config-path /etc/chainflip/config/Default.toml rotate
Naming a node
sudo chainflip-cli \
--config-path /etc/chainflip/config/Default.toml \
vanity-name NAME_NODE