
IronFish - Setup Guide

Rent servers

Quick Install

wget -q -O ironfish.sh https://raw.githubusercontent.com/nodesshablya/ironfish_testnet/main/ironfish.sh && chmod +x ironfish.sh && ./ironfish.sh && unalias ironfish 2>/dev/null

After installation, write these commands

. $HOME/.bashrc
. $HOME/.bash_profile
ironfish config:set nodeName $IRONFISH_NODENAME
ironfish config:set blockGraffiti $IRONFISH_NODENAME

Creating a Wallet

ironfish wallet:create $IRONFISH_WALLET

Set up the created wallet as main

ironfish wallet:use $IRONFISH_WALLET

Now we have to wait for synchronization, you can check this with the command

ironfish status -f

Enabling telemetry

ironfish config:set enableTelemetry true

Miner is not needed for this testnet disable it

service ironfishd-miner stop

You can get tokens through the faucet

ironfish faucet

Create wallet

ironfish wallet:create wallet

Export wallet

ironfish wallet:export wallet

Export wallet with seed phase

ironfish wallet:export wallet --mnemonic --language=English

Get your wallet address

ironfish wallet:address wallet

Stop Ironfish node

sudo service ironfishd stop

Update Ironfish CLI

sudo npm update -g ironfish

Restart Ironfish node

sudo systemctl restart ironfishd

Check status

ironfish status -f